Tuesday, February 27, 2007

i lost

Yes, today were the elections for mayor of dearbor. I came in 9th place, with 58 total votes. First place went to jack oreily with 16000 votes and second went to abd with 235 votes... so there was a small margin between the winner and the rest of us. it was a close race....

Monday, February 19, 2007

Mayor Senczyszyn

So as time goes by i realize my odds of winning are slimming. The major candidate recieved 500 thousand dollars for his campaign, how can i compete. If anyone has any recomendations of how to get my name out there besides me being on radio last friday and tv all day 4 days a week.


I performed my interview, and havent been able to long onto blogger because i forgot my name untill now but i believe the interview went well i had some fun doing it and im sure he did to. Friends neighbor provided me with some insight into the daily life of a photographer for fords.

Dearborn Police

So i was pulled over last night, does anyone want to know why?

Not speeding
Not disobeying stop signs or swerving
no drunk driving
no complaints
no wreckless driving
i was pulled over for no reason...
when i asked why i was pulled oevr and searched and the car search, the police officer told me that there have been reports of break ins and since i was driving in the neigborhood... Well last time i checked driving was not illegal. What kid with 2 15 yearold girls, friends little sister, would be breaking into houses and stealing????

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Horror Movies

Okay i have a serious problem with people that have made horror movies. A man or woman that has the mentality to create such disgustingly awful movies must have a serious screw loose in their head. Also i find it worse people that enjoy these movies and find them pleasurable. You are sick in the head and need some serious help.

Go colts

So the Colts just won the super bowl. I wasnt cheering for either teams but i wanted the colts more i guess. I am not a pro football kind of guy, its about as silly and pro basketball but more interesting. So congrats to the colts thank you for making me prove everyone wrong.


Ha, do they honestly think that a letter will attract anyone to this city? They must be on as many drugs and the residents are...Not to be completely against it, i do like it but really who cares. Who cares?