Thursday, March 8, 2007

IN the News

1. The issues that i see getting covered in local news are the ones that involve either crime or someone beating the odds of something. In the more general national news the freep covers more mainly the war and sports.

2. The coverage on freep about someone doing something to beat the odds usually sounds semi-fake or staged almost. The quotes used seem to be made up just for this paper. However if it involves any of the other topics freep seeems to stick to facts and tell you what they know about what is going on.

3. Absolutly nothing of importance is going on in my backyard. It seems as though freep is in a down time for local news in my area and have to make due with what little they have. Unless however you find the buying of a 20 yearold liqour store interesting... however i don't, and i see no need to write about the 2 year rennovation of it and all the beer/liqour it may offer. BUT IF you for any reason want to read about the pet of the week, if your a wierdo that gives 2 hoots about other peoples animals, local news is the freep page for you.

4. i have no idea what i want to research/write about.

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